The emphasis on product differentiation in the ITE market puts extra demands on final design and aesthetics. EMERGE PCadvanced resins are highly consistent and easy-to-color and are best suited to achieve unique appearances through special effect technologies such as transparency, metallics, pearlescence and custom coloring.
EMERGE PC resins comply with international environmental standards, allowing your product solutions to be applied worldwide, and come with a variety of packages to meet your needs. Some Ignition-resistant grades of EMERGE PC resins are halogen-free, complying with environmental label requirements worldwide.
EMERGE PC advanced resins are specially designed to provide you an opportunity to potentially develop low-cost solutions that deliver maximum end-use performance for the full range of ITE applications — from monitors to printers and laptops.
EMERGE PC advanced resins are a family of material solutions specifically targeted to meet the complex requirements of the growing Information Technology Equipment (ITE) market. Compared to conventional engineering thermoplastics, they offer unique performance characteristics, including enhanced physical properties, better processability, improved ignition resistance and recyclability tailor made to fit the requirements of consumer electronics manufacturers.
信息技術設備市場強調產品差異性給產品的較終設計和美觀提出了更多要求。 EMERGE 高效能工程樹脂具有高度一致的品質,容易著色,特別適合利用透明、金屬、珠寶和定制著色等特效技術來獲得獨特的外觀。
EMERGE PC 高效能工程樹脂是專門為滿足正在發展的信息技術設備(ITE)市場的復雜要求而推出的一組材料。與普通的工程熱塑塑料相比較,EMERGE 高效能工程樹脂具有可根據消費類電子產品制造商的需求“度身定做”的獨特功能特性,包括提高的物理性能、更好的加工性、更優異的阻燃性能和可再利用性。
EMERGE PC高效能工程樹脂的設計目的是為您提供開發低成本解決方案的潛在機會,使全部信息技術設備應用——從監視器到打印機和筆記本電腦——都具有較優的較終使用效能。
EMERGE PC 樹脂符合國際環保標準,有許多種產品組合,不僅使您的產品可以在環球應用,還能夠滿足您的需求。 一些阻燃級EMERGE樹脂不含鹵素,符合環球范圍內的環境標志要求。
為什么你需要陶式工程塑料EMERGE PC,請看DOW工程塑料EMERGE PC的應用.
"DOW工程塑料EMERGE PC的應用"由“工程塑料公司”-深圳易欣園塑料化工整理發布,如需轉載請注明來源及出處,原文地址:http://sifthai.com/news/DOWGongChengSuLiaoEMERGE_PCDeYingYong/
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